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King David

While my Pilgrimage is full of pain and misery it is not only about the bad things. One of the aims of it is to make possible my Jewish wedding with Amanda in Jerusalem.


And while we both are dreaming of that our oppressors have different plans.


Officially they want to have our offspring what will according to them make possible my extermination but in reality, they do everything possible to not make that happen.


It is true that such offspring born on Holy Land will bring ether restoration of King David line or if you are more Christian just the Second Comming of Jesus Christ.


It would be an important step in formulating the Judgement and at the same time fruit of this romance would become the best defender of mankind during the Judgment of God.


It cannot be hidden that such a leader would be a perfect one for the Jewish State of Israel. He would be able to unite both people - Israeli and Palestinian - on one land under the banner of Almighty God and this is something that is not in the taste of Israeli elites.


There are many challenges ahead from political to financial ones. We both need to obtain official permission and visas from the authorities. Moreover, someone needs to put an additional one million dollars for Amanda. To secure her stay and apartment in Jerusalem.


It is not a cheap event but still possible and has great importance for Israel and the whole Middle East region. On the global level, son from such relationships cannot be your Saviour but can be your perfect Defender during the Judgement of God.


Whatever he would end like King David or would be again crucified by Jewish people the game is worth the risk but if it would happen depends also from you and your financial support.


The Lord could reunite with his people and Jerusalem could again become the City of God - the united capital of both people. That could happen but will it? Do not waste time - support King David now! Let the Second Comming of Jesus Christ become a reality!



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